06 Jan

The Hall of Faith: Gideon

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Jeff Smith | Manassas, Virginia

This is the eighth article in the Hall of Faith series and considers Gideon, the fifth judge of Israel. Thus far the series has considered twelve of those mentioned in Hebrews chapter eleven. Gideon is the first in the list of faithful that the author didn’t take the time to describe in detail (Hebrews 11:32). That list includes five judges, King David, and all the prophets. Truly it would take many words to highlight all their individual acts of faith. The Hebrew writer only gave Gideon an “honorable mention.” Let us dive into the heroic acts of this valiant warrior, as the angel of the Lord referred to him (Judges 6:12). Read More

06 Jan

How Christ Relates to the Church: Our Mediator

CHURCH ARTICLE | Brian Sullivan | Jordan, Ontario

floyd99 | Pixabay

The final words on the cross were “It is finished” (John 19:30). Indeed, very little remained for Jesus to accomplish on earth before His return to heaven. After the three days in the tomb (see Luke 24:21), He came forth a victor over death and the grave (Actts 2:27, 30-33; Revelation 1:18); was seen by witnesses (1 Corinthians 15:1-8); spent 40 days with the apostles further schooling them concerning the kingdom (Acts 1:1-3); before ascending on high (Acts 1:9-11) on His return to heaven. Jesus returned to heaven to be given “dominion and glory and a kingdom” (Daniel 7:13-14). Read More

06 Jan

Teaching Each Other In Song

WORSHIP ARTICLE Keith Sharp | Mountain Home, Arkansas

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16).

I remember an old couple from over forty years ago. Neither could read a note of music. They sat about halfway back on the far left side in a congregation of over 200 members. He sang like a bull frog and as loud as one and added a unique little lift at the end of a note. She was shrill. A music teacher would shudder. I miss them. They were a godly, dedicated old couple who could teach and praise in song. I hope we can sing together in heaven. Read More

06 Jan

Becoming Like Jesus: Obedience

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Lee Elkins | Jacksonville, Arkansas

Without ever realizing it, most people would condemn Jesus because of what he believed and practiced. This is a serious charge here. How can I make such a statement about what others believe? It is a logical conclusion to the things that they believe and say, that’s how. In our article, we are going to be considering the realities of Jesus and His obedience. Not only would most people condemn Jesus, but many would verbally assault Him with “that is works-based salvation!” or “You are not teaching grace!” Allow me to state the obvious now. We cannot separate the realities of faith from obedience. Faith consists of belief, trust, and obedience (Hebrews 11:6). Read More

06 Jan

He Who Wins Souls Is Wise

EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Ken Weliever | Beverly Hills, Florida

In the comic strip “Peanuts,” Lucy tells her brother, Linus, that she has “converted” a school classmate to her way of thinking religiously. Linus is surprised, especially knowing how Lucy operates.

“How did you do it?” Linus asked.

“I told him everything I believe and asked him if he believed it , too.” Lucy explained. “Then when we came to something he didn’t see my way, I just hit him over the head with my lunch box until he believed it!”

I suppose we’ve all witnessed that kind of evangelism. Oh, not literally hitting someone over the head with a lunch box, or anything else. But evangelism that is aggressive. Belligerent. And even insulting. Read More

06 Jan

Life in Transition from the First to the Second Covenant

BEYOND THE BASICS | Larry Fuller | Whitney, Ontario



Paul effectively argued against Israelites who still disbelieved in Christ, insisting incorrectly they maintain Judaism with its Law of Moses. Rom 7:12-25, Paul puts forth a personal example as an Israelite under the old covenant that was very relatable. First, he recognized the law of Moses was in fact spiritual, holy and good. He had a great desire to do what he knew was right and good, yet the worldliness he hated, he did! Creating an uncontrollable “tug of war” within his members leading to a wretched feeling from which seemingly there was no remedy. Read More

15 Oct

The Hall of Faith : Rahab the __________

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Reagan McClenny | Lufkin, Texas

What word immediately comes to your mind to fill in this blank? Rahab the … what? If you’re like me, “Harlot” is the word that comes to mind. Indeed, that’s the way the New Testament authors identify her.

Hebrews 11:31, “By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace.”

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15 Oct

How Christ Relates to the Church: King of Kings

CHURCH ARTICLE William Stewart | Kingston, Ontario

floyd99 | Pixabay

The title “King of kings” is attributed to Jesus of Nazareth in three New Testament texts (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). Implicit to the image is the understanding that Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, is a King. But not just a king, the King. The moniker stands as a powerful proclamation of the supremacy of our Lord over all things in His creation, but particularly over every other power, authority, and ruler. Let us delve into this monumental statement about Jesus Christ so we may better understand the significance of His role as King of kings. Read More

15 Oct

Sing With The Understanding

WORSHIP ARTICLE | Kevin Kay | Kokomo, Indiana

1 Cor. 14:15:  15 What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding.

Have you ever been reading along in a book, you get to the end of a page, and you suddenly realize that you have no earthly idea what you’ve just read?  It happens to me quite often.  We can read without understanding for at least two different reasons.  Sometimes it happens because the material we are reading is difficult and complex.  However, more often than not, it happens simply because we let our minds wander.  We are reading the words, pronouncing them in our minds or even out loud, but our minds are a million miles away. Read More

15 Oct

Becoming Like Jesus: The Humble Servant

APPLICATION ARTICLE | John Maddocks | Toronto, Ontario

In a world driven by ambition, self-promotion, and the pursuit of power, the life of Jesus stands in stark contrast. Jesus, the Son of God, came not to be served but to serve, and His life offers us the perfect model of humility and selfless love. To become like Jesus is to embrace the radical call to servanthood, where humility is not just an attitude but a way of life. Read More