08 Oct

Fruit of the Spirit : Shining Love, Joy, and Peace

APPLICATION ARTICLE | T. Sean Sullivan | Paragould, Arkansas

As Christians, we are responsible to “shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15). This is an interesting directive which is clarified by Paul’s next inspired statement. In Philippians 2:16a, Paul says, “holding fast the word of life.” This is where we are instructed in proper “shining.” We learn from this that God provides the instructions for shining as we should.

A life transformed by obedience to the will of God will be noticed in this world of darkness. Others will take note of the true changes and the intensity of those changes when we let them shine. Galatians 5:22-25 speaks of the wonderful results found in submitting to God, denying the flesh, and focusing on what is best for your soul. In this first lesson, we will focus on the life of “love, joy, and peace.” We will consider how these blessings brighten our walk and the quality of our shine on those around us. Read More

05 Jul

Put On The Whole Armor Of God

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Jim Mickells | Lewisburg, Tennessee

In Ephesians 6:10-20, we find the instructions given by the apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus for them to put on the whole armor of God. What a great section of Scripture for us to consider especially with a mind to how it applies to us. It is not enough to just know what these verses say but we need to apply the things revealed here to our lives so we can be strong and faithful in services to our Lord. Through the years I have seen many fall prey to the devices of Satan, being overcome in sin and rendered useless in the kingdom of God. If only they would have clothed themselves with this armor, the results would have been totally different. Read More

03 Jan

Dare to Be a Daniel : An Old Testament Character Study

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Colton McDaniel | Springfield, Illinois

When I was asked to write this, I had not even considered my last name is closely connected to Daniel’s name. It hardly ever occurs to me that I share a name with this godly example. I do not know why. Perhaps when I think of the book of Daniel, I think of the back half of it and immediately wonder what else I could teach on instead. I have often neglected the practical examples contained in the front half. This ought not to be. As difficult as the visions may be, the life of Daniel is too thrilling to ignore.

He was living in captivity among the godless. Kings ordered him to disobey God, and they threw him in a den of lions. He was placed in positions of authority among his captors. Daniel sees it all and yet still maintains integrity. Daniel is the child of God each of us is called to be. He certainly did not expect all that took place, but he faced it all with courage. Read More

26 Oct

Soldiers, Athletes, and Farmers – 2 Timothy 2:3-6

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Brian Sullivan | Jordan, Ontario

via Amanda Kline | FreeImages.com

God made our bodies from the dust of the ground (Genesis 3:19; Ecclesiastes 12:7) and breathed life (our spirit) into us (Genesis 2:7). God knows the potential that we have and the strengths that are ours. His work and service allow us to discover some of those capabilities as others did in the Scripture record. We marvel at the list of the faithful Old Testament worthies found in Hebrews 11 and realize that many more people could have been included (Hebrews 11:32-40). We must realize that every person has potential in God’s service. It is not always the person at the forefront or the most recognized that can teach us the clearest lessons about God, life, and living for God. We find that the greatest servants of God are sometimes those that others have not heard of but who carefully and diligently followed God in faith and faithfulness throughout their days. Read More

06 Jul

The Dangers of Not Growing

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Reagan McClenny | Lufkin, Texas

via Russell Yan | Pixabay.com

2 Peter 1:5-7 describes “adding” important qualities to our Christian character. Some people describe this list as a ladder with each quality as a rung, but that can leave the wrong impression. These are not qualities that we work on one at a time and leave one “complete” to move on the next. Instead, a better image is of a single instrument playing, and another and another are added in perfect harmony until a full orchestra is playing. So, when all the instruments are added, is the process complete? I would suggest that the process is only beginning in earnest! A high school orchestra has (basically) all the same instruments as a professional one. The primary difference in the quality of their performance is a matter of growth. Read More

06 Apr

Following in the Steps of Jesus

APPLICATION ARTICLE John Maddocks | Toronto, Ontario

via StockSnap | Pixabay.com

“For to this you have been called because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth. When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:21-24)

Life, even when things are going well, is a challenge. Read More

04 Jan

How To Love My Brothers

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Jacob Hudgins | Little Rock, Arkansas

via Gerd Altmann | Pixabay.com

Just before dying, Jesus gives instructions to his disciples. “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples,  if you have love for one another” (John 13:34-35). Love for our brothers is what most closely identifies us as connected to Jesus. This is how people will know that we are his. Read More

29 Oct

Walk According To Love

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Sean Cavender | Bald Knob, Arkansas

via Gerd Altmann | Pixabay.com

The Lord’s church is a tremendous blessing to Christians. Having a sense of community, family, and connectedness encourages people in times of difficulty. However, even in our Lord and Savior’s church, disruptions, disagreements, and arguments can (and will) occur. It would be nice to think the only times Christians engage in a conflict would be over matters of doctrine in defense of the truth. The reality is Christians will succumb to arguing over issues that seem petty. We might rather avoid all kinds of conflict, especially with our brothers and sisters in Christ, but avoidance is usually the worst thing we could do.

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07 Jul

The Necessity of Good Works for the Child of God

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Scott Long | Marietta, Pennsylvania

via Tom Parsons | Unsplash.com

Like many other biblical subjects, the topic of good works generates much confusion and debate. What exactly is a “work?” What makes a work “good?” Why are good works so important for Christians? And how might “good works” generate controversy?

The simplest definition of a “work” is something one does. According to such a definition, virtually everything we do is a “work.” This fact leads us to what Paul tells us in Colossians 3:17, “whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” The conclusion is that everything we do is a work, and these works must be done according to the authority of Jesus. Read More

07 Apr

All In His Name

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Jason Lankford | Conway, Arkansas

via Gerd Altmann | Pixabay.com

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17)

One of the most commonly quoted verses I have heard in my life is Colossians 3:17. And for a good reason, considering these words have such great implications in our lives as Christians. How so? Let’s unpack the main aspects of this passage and shed light on the manner of life Paul is calling us to have in Christ Jesus. Read More