05 Jul

I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightning From Heaven

BEYOND THE BASICS | William Stewart | Kingston, Ontario

“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven!” Imagine how exciting it must have been to hear Jesus make such a declaration. The assertion was made to the seventy persons whom Jesus had appointed and sent to go before Him among the people (Luke 10:1). As He had given instructions to the apostles before sending them out (Matthew 10:5-15), our Lord also gave directions to this much larger contingent of disciples for their journey (Luke 10:2-16). They were sent to “heal the sick” and to proclaim “The kingdom of God has come near to you” (Luke 10:9). We do not know how long they were gone, but Luke reported the excitement of their return. Filled with joy they announced, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name” (Luke 10:17). Jesus’ statement about Satan falling from heaven was in response to their remark. Read More

03 Jan

Why Premillennialism Misses the Mark

BEYOND THE BASICS | Shane Carrington | Sulfer Springs, Texas

Premillennialism stands as one of the most popular doctrines of religion in modern times, joining the ranks of “Trust Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior to be saved,” “Join the church of your choice,” and “Once saved always saved.” That’s just how popular it is.

Cultural phenomena such as the “Left Behind” series of books (published 1995-2007) and movies (produced 2000-2014), Hal Lindsay’s “The Late, Great Planet Earth” (published in 1970), and televangelists like John Hagee, David Jeremiah, etc. drive this movement today. Additionally, the doctrine is written into many study Bibles, including J. N. Darby’s study notes, the Ryrie Study Bible, the Schofield Study Bible, the John MacArthur Study Bible, etc. Read More

26 Oct

Israel’s Place In God’s Plan To Redeem Mankind

via DEZALB | Pixabay.com

BEYOND THE BASICS | William Stewart | Kingston, Ontario

To understand Israel’s role in God’s plan, we need to start with the threefold promise made to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3, 7. There we find God’s promise to (1) make a great nation from Abram, (2) bless them with a land, and (3) bless all families of the earth through him.

The nation promise was fulfilled when Joshua brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 26:5 states, “…My father was a Syrian, about to perish, and he went down to Egypt and dwelt there, few in number; and there he became a nation, great, mighty, and populous.” Thus, God fulfilled His promise, and Israel was set to fulfill their role in God’s plan. Read More

06 Jul

Counterfeit Christianity

BEYOND THE BASICS ARTICLE | William Stewart | Odessa, Ontario

via Sammy Williams | Unsplash.com

Caveat emptor is an old maxim regarding the acquisition of goods. It is Latin for “let the buyer beware.” Charlatans and swindlers are always ready to take advantage of unsuspecting patrons. If we are not careful (and sometimes even when we thought we were careful) we can be cheated by forgeries and bogus items, whether it be artwork, sports memorabilia, clothing, electronics, nutritional supplements, or even food products. The prevalence of online shopping today has opened a massive opportunity for con artists to dupe buyers. Indeed, caveat emptor! Read More

06 Apr

Remarrying After the Death of a Spouse, Part 1

via chrisda73 | Pixabay.com

BEYOND THE BASICS Tom Rainwater | Chittenango, New York

Sonia, my dear wife of 24 years, bravely battled colon cancer for 8 years before it took her life. When we learned the disease was terminal, she urged me to remarry after she died. Sonia said, “After I’m gone, please let go of me and move on. It won’t be good for you to remain alone. I’m serious about this. Remarry because you’ll need someone to encourage you. This is what I want for you.” She informed the family of her wish so they’d support any future decision I might make. After Sonia passed away, I heavily mourned the loss. It was hard to accept that I was no longer married to her. After months of grieving, I felt the time had come to stop feeling sorry for myself and start moving forward. Marriage had been wonderful, and I wanted to nurture such a relationship again. So, as awkward as it was, I began thinking about dating. “But how, as a 54-year old widower, do I navigate such an emotional journey?” Read More

04 Jan

The Grief of Losing a Loved One (Part 2)

BEYOND THE BASICS Tom Rainwater | Chittenango, New York
(Click here to go to The Grief of Losing a Loved One, Part 1)

via Kristina Tripkovic | Unsplash.com

Maintaining the proper attitude and outlook is crucial during times of grief. When my wife died, I learned I couldn’t allow a broken heart to rule over me and affect my judgment. Bible study taught me the importance of not losing perspective. In particular, I was moved by the examples of God ordering, under unusual circumstances, the suspension of grief. Read More

29 Oct

The Grief of Losing a Loved One (Part 1)

BEYOND THE BASICS | Tom Rainwater | Chittenango, New York
(Click here to go to The Grief of Losing a Loved One, Part 2)

via Kristina Tripkovic | Unsplash.com

Death is universal. If you’re married, one of you will die before the other. Time and death will take away your spouse, your parents, your siblings, your best friends – one at a time. A child or grandchild may pass before you. When a loved one leaves this life, the loss you feel will be profound. Your emotions will go into overdrive while your mind struggles with how to deal with it. Grief becomes a way of life for a while. Know that this experience is common to all people. The struggle with grief is as universal as death. Read More

07 Jul

A Wondrous Prayer : Colossians 1:9-12

BEYOND THE BASICS | Brian V. Sullivan | Jordan, Ontario

via ktmd photography | Unsplash.com

Thinking about someone is great; loving them is essential, but praying for them shows the place they hold in your heart. When Paul wrote to the church at Colossae, it was not just a case of thinking about them or being content to declare he loved them. He gave us insight into what his prayers were for them to God.

Although Colossians 1:9-12 is all part of an extended sentence, our interest in this item is in the first verse of this section. Paul wrote, “For this reason we also, since the day we heard of it, do not cease to pray for you, and ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will, and all wisdom and spiritual understanding” (NKJV). Before we discuss those things, let us observe what Paul believed will result from these things. Read More

07 Apr

The Scripture Cannot Be Broken

BEYOND THE BASICS | William Stewart | Odessa, Ontario

via Tabble | Pixabay.com

Jesus entered the temple during Hanukkah (John 10:22) and was accosted by the Jewish leaders about whether He was the Christ or not. They demanded, “If you are the Christ, tell us plainly” (John 10:24). He had not been ambiguous about His identity. There were two problems at play here. First, the religious leaders did not believe (John 10:25-26). Second, since they had failed to seize Him and put Him to death on previous occasions (John 5:17-18; 8:58-59), they sought another opportunity against Him.

After a short discourse in which He contrasted the unbelief of the Jewish rulers with the faith of His disciples, He affirmed, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30). This phrase sent them into a frenzy. They took up stones, ready to put Jesus to death (John 10:31). What was the charge? They explained, “…for blasphemy, and because you, being a Man, make Yourself God” (John 10:33).

Jesus appealed to the Scriptures to defend His claim as the Son of God. His response relied upon the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Read More

07 Jan

The Words Of The Preacher

BEYOND THE BASICS | Jeremy Diestelkamp | Toronto, Ontario

via Agnieszka Monk | Pixabay

“Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say, ‘I have no pleasure in them'” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

This verse has been used by preachers over the years to exhort people, especially young people, to turn to God now while they can, because there will come a time when such will be too late. Hearing these types of sermons as a young person was important to me, for they got me to think about my position in this universe, how there is a God who created all things, and with that being true, I needed to serve Him. In short, it was sermons like these that convinced me that I needed to become a Christian. These words, however, were not written at the beginning of this book, they appear at the conclusion, so it is good to consider the whole context, to see if there is some deeper meaning to them. Read More