How Christ Relates to the Church: Our Mediator
CHURCH ARTICLE | Brian Sullivan | Jordan, Ontario
floyd99 | Pixabay
The final words on the cross were “It is finished” (John 19:30). Indeed, very little remained for Jesus to accomplish on earth before His return to heaven. After the three days in the tomb (see Luke 24:21), He came forth a victor over death and the grave (Actts 2:27, 30-33; Revelation 1:18); was seen by witnesses (1 Corinthians 15:1-8); spent 40 days with the apostles further schooling them concerning the kingdom (Acts 1:1-3); before ascending on high (Acts 1:9-11) on His return to heaven. Jesus returned to heaven to be given “dominion and glory and a kingdom” (Daniel 7:13-14). Read More