The Church As A Family
CHURCH ARTICLE | John Hains | Smithville, Ontario

via Tyler Nix |
Just a few minutes ago, I was on the phone, long-distance, with my sister – my adopted sister. Even though she is adopted, I consider her to be my “real” sister. (We were both adopted. While we are not biologically related, we really are connected in a unique way.) We were reminiscing together because today was the wedding anniversary of our adoptive parents. Although both of our parents are gone now, it’s a joy for us to remember them! We miss them. They were dear folks who took us into their hearts and home and wanted us to call them Mom and Dad – even though we’d all previously been strangers! And you know, even though strangers, in the presence of their beautiful love for us, we bonded together as a real family. Each of us, as individuals with separate heritages, were brought together in love. And that illustrates a spiritual matter of extreme eternal significance. Read More