“I Was Afraid” – Facing Our Fears of Rejection
EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Michael Stephens | Wellandport, Ontario

In Matthew 25, Jesus compared the Kingdom to a man who entrusted his wealth to his three servants. Two of those servants worked for their master. One of the servants made the situation about himself. This “Parable of the Talents” tells us how the master gave varying amounts to each servant and then left for a long time. Upon his return, the man settled accounts with each servant. The first two servants put their funds to work and doubled their master’s money. Even though their starting amounts were different (5 and 2), and their final amounts were much different (10 and 4), the first two men in the Lord’s illustration were equally praised. Matthew 25:21 and 23 read the same. “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'” Read More