01 Oct

Give Me One Good Reason to Be A Christian

EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Joshua Welch | Columbus, Ohio

via Jeremy Yap | Unsplash.com

Door-knocking can introduce you to a wide variety of characters. There are the kindly, elderly ladies who gingerly walk to the door, slowly crack it open, patiently listen and then say, “Thank you for stopping by, honey, but I’ve been going to my church for years and don’t plan on changing.”

Then, there’s the young 20-something’s who are agitated they had to get up from their video games and open the door quickly and say, “I’m not interested. Don’t come back.” As you begin to open your mouth to respond the door is swinging closed in your face. Read More

02 Jul

Every Member, Everywhere, All The Time

EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Wayne Goff | Kansas City, Missouri

via Gerd Altmann | Pixabay.com

“Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word,” (Acts 8:4).

The thrust of this article is to encourage congregations to have every member be completely involved in evangelism, as opposed to having one or two do all the work. The first church on earth, the church in Jerusalem, was scattered throughout Judea, Samaria, Galilee, and finally a large part of the Roman empire – but they continued to preach the Word! These people were not trained in special approaches or certain “steps,” but they had been taught by the apostles and were convicted. This, I am convinced, is where we need to start today. Read More

02 Apr

You Are The Light Of The World

EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Keith Sharp | Mountain Home, Arkansas

via ColiN00B | Pixabay.com

The world in which we live is in the darkness of ignorance and sin (John 3:19). Our neighbors are among those benighted souls. Our obligation, both individually and congregationally, is to lead them to salvation in Christ (Matthew 28:19). A primary way we do so is by being lights in the world to show them by example the way to heaven (Matthew 5:13-16). Read More

01 Jan

Preaching That Converts

EVANGELISM ARTICLE Sean P. Cavender | Bald Knob, Arkansas

via Kenny Eliason | Pixabay.com

The work of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is one of the greatest and most important things someone could ever be involved in. Preaching is simply announcing and proclaiming the words for salvation (Acts 11:14). Preaching is something that is desperately needed if souls are to be saved. There is a time and a place to talk and chat about the Bible, but there is also the ever-present need to announce the gospel. Read More

02 Oct

Harvest, What Harvest? Two Obstacles to Evangelism

EVANGELISM ARTICLE Trey Haskett | Tupelo, Mississippi

via Pexels | Pixabay.com

Get in, get out, get on. Anybody else’s dad have that philosophy on road trip pitstops? Rarely were there roses, but when there were, there was little time to stop and smell them. It was about getting from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Accordingly, pitstops were often few and far between and when we did stop it was about getting whatever we needed and getting on our way.

John 4 records a road trip Jesus and His disciples made from Judea to Galilee. Interestingly, the apostle John, unlike most dads turned road-trip-warrior, was more concerned about the pitstop than the actual destination (only vv. 46-54 deal with their time in Galilee, the rest of the chapter is about what happened in Samaria). In recording the goings-on of what would ordinarily be nothing more than a blip on our radar, John endeavored to communicate an important message to his readers and to us about the nature of evangelism and some common obstacles that stand in our way. Read More

03 Jul

Six Common Hesitations to Personal Evangelism

Chad Brewer | Williamsburg, Virginia

via Robert Koorenny | Pixabay

When the topic of personal evangelism comes up, people are invariably excited, but often they are excited for others’ work or zeal.

We are often rather hesitant to get out there, put in the effort, put ourselves on the line, and possibly get rejected. The hesitations and complaints that you often hear are often very similar, and not at all new to our generation. If you were to go back to Exodus 3 and 4, you will see that they are very similar to the hesitations and complaints that Moses had, when God told him to “go.” Oddly enough, those objections raised by Moses were not sufficient for him to skive off work, and they are not good enough for us either. Read More

03 Apr

Not Without Aim | Making Evangelistic Goals

B. Colton McDaniel | Springfield, Illinois

via Robert Koorenny | Pixabay

We know we ought to be evangelistic, do we not? We also know how to go about saving souls. I have confidence in my brethren that they are both able and willing to go out and work. I often hear them speak of the importance and necessity of evangelism with passion. It is that yearning that led you to read this evangelism section in the first place. The trouble is making the determination to “Go.”  For whatever reason, be it fear or uncertainty, we can lack the drive to just get up and get to work. This is where goals come into play. Read More

01 Jan

Using Our Homes for Evangelism

John Hains | Smithville, Ontario

via StartupStockPhotos | Pixabay.com

The truth of the gospel of Christ is one of the most precious gifts we will ever receive – but it’s not just for us to enjoy and hold onto selfishly – it’s for us to share with as many as we can.

It is important we utilize what we have been given from God for doing His work for His glory. Being good stewards is part of being a Christian. First Peter 4:10 encourages us, “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” Our homes are huge commodities to be used to God’s glory, commodities we invest significant amounts of money into each year – money the Lord has blessed us with. As good stewards of our homes, we can use them in His service. One particular service we can use our homes for is in sharing the gospel with others.

What are some ways we can use our homes for evangelism and spreading God’s truth, sharing our hope in the Lord? Read More

03 Oct

Evangelizing In The 21st Century

Ken McDaniel | Springfield, Illinois

via Milt Ritter | Pixabay.com

Did someone say, “the times they are a-changin’?” Yes, and he immortalized the phrase in a 1964 folk song that captured the sentiment of a nation undergoing radical transformation. The times were changing then and they have not stopped yet. Sadly, the revolution of “moral freedom” begun by that generation has culminated in a society that has little knowledge of God and is seemingly indifferent, leery of Christianity and “organized religion.” This is vividly illustrated by the fact that only 20% of Americans can be found in “church” on Sunday morning and between 8,000-10,000 churches a year are closing their doors.1

How does this impact our evangelistic work? Read More

04 Jul

Learning Evangelism From The Master

William Stewart | Kingston, Ontario


The salvation of souls and the growth of local congregations depends upon evangelistic work. Of the masses, Paul inquires, “…how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14). Paul is not talking about some clergy class who are distinct from the average believer. Such an idea is foreign to the New Testament. The word preacher is not an ecclesiastical title, but describes an activity. The word means “to herald … proclaim, publish” (Strong’s). In Acts 8, we find persecution against the church at Jerusalem caused the saints to scatter. We’re told “…those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word” (verse 4). It’s a different Greek word (lit. good messenger), but the result is the same – telling people about Jesus Christ. If you are a child of God, then you are called to preach. Your pulpit? Day-to-day life. Read More