Fruit of the Spirit : Shining Love, Joy, and Peace
APPLICATION ARTICLE | T. Sean Sullivan | Paragould, Arkansas

As Christians, we are responsible to “shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15). This is an interesting directive which is clarified by Paul’s next inspired statement. In Philippians 2:16a, Paul says, “holding fast the word of life.” This is where we are instructed in proper “shining.” We learn from this that God provides the instructions for shining as we should.
A life transformed by obedience to the will of God will be noticed in this world of darkness. Others will take note of the true changes and the intensity of those changes when we let them shine. Galatians 5:22-25 speaks of the wonderful results found in submitting to God, denying the flesh, and focusing on what is best for your soul. In this first lesson, we will focus on the life of “love, joy, and peace.” We will consider how these blessings brighten our walk and the quality of our shine on those around us.
Shining the Light of Love
When we embrace God’s love for us, we will begin to demonstrate proper love toward others and our example will take on a greater brightness. Love is a choice, it is not “a sparkly feeling” nor is it “magic”. Love is a determination to appreciate and reflect our appreciation. We can often speak the words of love with great ease, but it is the actions of true love that require diligence.
Jesus taught us to love enough to see the needs of others. The fullest expression of Christ’s compassion is found in the fact that He saw fit to come to earth and give Himself for us. However, there is more to learn from His compassion. Jesus looked at the struggling masses who had no hope and “…had compassion on them because they were like sheep having no shepherd” (Matthew 9:35-36). If we are going to apply love in this life, we must have compassion for the souls of our fellow man. They are lost and dying (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23a). We, as Christians, know the gospel and how to obey it, because we have obeyed it; we know that the gospel of Christ is only one hope of freedom from sin (Romans 6:23b) and we need to tell others about it. The Scriptures have always set an example that says, those who do the will of God also tell others how to do the will of God! The brethren in Thessalonica are a great example of this pattern (1Thessalonians 1:6-8). If we love, as we should, we will purpose to love others enough to share the gospel with them. If we are determined to shine the light of love, we will be a great blessing to others around us.
Before we move on from this point, please know that “others” does not only mean alien sinners trapped out there in the doom of darkness. Our light of love needs to be seen by our children, our family, and our brethren too. Every day, we need to rise and shine the light of love.
Shining the Light of Joy
If, for a moment, we were to equate “happiness” and “joy”, we would know that most people are drawn toward happiness more than they are to sorrow. For reasons that escape my understanding, some Christians approach their life with a large dose of gloom. Whether it is their mistaken idea of humility or that they miss the world and its ways, they are certainly not reflecting the life of a Christian by projecting gloom.
Be happy knowing your value in God’s eyes. God placed such a high value on us that He gave us His Son to remedy our self-inflicted wound of sin (John 3:16; Hebrews 9:22-28; 1 Peter 1:18).
If God believes you are worthy of joy, and He does, then start shining joy. When you are faced with trials, shine, “…if God is for us who can be against us…” (Romans 8:31-39). In John’s gospel, three times Jesus stated concern for our joy and wanting our joy would be full (John 15:11; 16:22; 16:24). Later, in John’s first epistle, John wrote to encourage their “joy” to be “full” (1 John 1:4).
True joy is knowing who you are: a soul who needed salvation and found it (Romans 6:16-18). True joy is knowing where you are going and the confidence of knowing how to get there (John 14:1-6), it is a level of unwavering joy that shines bright in this world of darkness. When you shine as you should others will be drawn to the life of obedience too (Matthew 5:16). If we are determined to shine the light of joy, we will be a great blessing to others around us.
Before we move on from this point, please know that “others” does not only mean alien sinners trapped out there in the doom of darkness. Our light of joy needs to be seen by our children, our family, and our brethren too. Every day, we need to rise and shine the light of joy.
Shining the Light of Peace
It certainly seems that today, more than ever, others need to see the shining light of peace. The world is so busy chasing “the next _________” (there are countless things that fit into that blank.) There is no end to the pursuit of worldly things. With this endless want there is no satisfaction and certainly no peace. We, however, should be the living proof of an obtainable life of peace.
True peace is seeking and finding God, our Creator (Acts 17:27). True peace comes from being reconciled to God (Romans 5:1-11, “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ”). True peace is knowing you are His child, He is your Father (1 John 3:1). True peace is looking forward to Heaven and knowing that you are doing what it takes to be welcomed there (Matthew 7:21; 25:21).
As Christians, we have access to the greatest peace— “the peace of God” (Philippians 4:6-7). God directs us toward His peace by directing our way of thinking (Philippians 4:8-9). We are to refuse the way of the world and trust God’s direction; God instructs us to be at peace. In fact, He says, “be anxious for nothing” in Philippians 4:6, then, in verse 8, God tells us to focus our minds on only those things which are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, things that are virtuous and worthy of praise. Most of the turmoil of this life is avoided when we set the boundaries of our hearts to the parameters that God supplies. If we are determined to shine the light of peace, we will be a great blessing to others around us.
Before we end this point, and this lesson, please know that “others” does not only mean alien sinners trapped out there in the doom of darkness. Our light of peace needs to be seen by our children, our family, and our brethren too. Every day, we need to rise and shine the light of peace.
We have considered the influence of God’s way on our own lives and what it can do for others. This influence will only be seen if we live it out in the open. Knowing the love of God, knowing the joy of a bright eternal future beyond, and knowing the peace of God every day along the way are blessings we can have in abundance, allowing us to shine the light of love, joy, and peace everywhere we go, so that others can see, seek, and find.
October 2022 | GROW magazine