20 Jul

How To Answer A False Doctrine

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Sean Cavender | in memoriam
 – via Meditate On These Things, May 2014 [from Sean’s days in Bradley, AR]

Quite possibly one of the most difficult things you will ever have to deal with is your approach to false teaching. There are many factors that one must give thought towards in this important discussion. False teachers have been a plague to the Lord’s church since the days of the apostles. Paul identified false brethren who had snuck into the churches of Galatia (Galatians 2:4). Peter warned of how false brethren would distort the teachings of Scripture to suite their own purposes (2 Peter 3:16). John warned of many deceivers that were in the world, and identified their deception as anti-Christ doctrine (2 John 1:7). Jude dealt very plainly with false teachers, identifying their false teachings, and warned of how God deals with such false teachers (Jude 1:4).

The Intent of False Doctrine
Knowledge of false teaching is necessary because we must be prepared to answer false doctrines so that others will not be swept away by these deceivers. It is important to know how to answer false doctrines. It should come as no surprise that there will be those who are maliciously striving to lead people away from the truths contained in God’s word. The object of false doctrine is not to benefit you. False teachers proclaim their doctrine in order to gain followers, gain popularity, and to cause harm to the Lord’s body. Paul warned of how he would not give a platform for these false teachers to proclaim their deceptions because of their intent to lead people astray (2 Corinthians 11:12-15; Galatians 2:5). We must be extremely cautious towards false doctrines and those who espouse such things.

Jude exhorted brethren to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 1:3). We need to be ready to embattle those who would deliver some false teaching to the churches. There seems to be a growing number of people who do not want to hear sermons on false teachings. Some might object because they feel it is mean-spirited to identify such false teachers and their doctrines, but how else might we warn brethren to remain faithful and be guarded against such falsehoods? If we do not contend, or fight, for the truthfulness of the gospel then we are laying the perfect groundwork for false teachers to come in as the guardians of truth and deceive us. It is for this reason that Paul encouraged Titus to rebuke false teachers sharply (Titus 1:13). We must not be mean, but we must not give them an inch. False teachers will be argumentative, and strong in their teaching. We must be equally strong with our presentation of truth.

How NOT To Answer A False Doctrine
When we are answering a false doctrine, and false teachers, there are some things that we must not do.

  1. Don’t get personal. We are to remain in control of ourselves, and especially our temper, when we are dealing with false teachers. When answering their doctrine, do not attack the person. We should not give others a way in which they find fault in us, and will not hear us. Attack the false teaching, not the person.
  2. Don’t answer an argument that wasn’t made. We need to be prepared to listen to those who are espousing the false doctrine, and be ready to answer what they are teaching. If we waste our time dealing with arguments they never made then how does that benefit anyone? It is also not dealing with the doctrine that they are actually teaching. If we are to stamp out the false doctrines that may enter the Lord’s church, then answer the arguments that are being made in attempts to deceive.
  3. Don’t accuse a person of believing the consequences of their doctrine. There may be several consequences of believing any number of false teachings, but that does not necessarily mean they accept the logical consequences of their position. Point out, and teach them the logical consequences of accepting such a false position, but do not accuse them of something that they do not believe.

How To Answer A False Doctrine
First, you must identify the false doctrine. When identifying false teaching, you must identify the source of that teaching. The Holy Spirit was quite plain in revealing the desire of these false teachers – they desire to lead people astray (Galatians 2:4; 2 Timothy 2:14; 2 John 1:7). It will only benefit you to have knowledge of those who are teaching falsely, and what they are teaching. The Scriptures teach that faithful brethren need to mark and identify false teachers (Romans 16:17).

Secondly, you must be fair towards false teachers. You cannot misrepresent their doctrine. You do not want others to sympathize towards them because of your unfairness. Acknowledge what they say, and answer the false teaching. If they say they do not believe in something, do not force it upon them. If they are attacking you, be courteous towards them. Do not sink to their level. Conduct yourself as a Christian at all times, especially when dealing with false teaching.

Thirdly, study to show yourself approved (2 Timothy 2:14-15). Paul warned Timothy of false teachings, the need to be aware of those false teachings, and how he must study the truth to be prepared to encounter those false doctrines. If we are not continually studying the word of God then we are prime candidates to be deceived by some who might be well studied, and dynamic speakers (2 Peter 2:2). A false teacher will not claim to be a false teacher. We must be ready, and guarded.

Fourthly, deal with objections. When you encounter false teachers they will certainly have objections to the truth of the gospel. You need to be ready for their objections. Sometimes it will require additional study, but it is essential in trying to stamp out their false notions. Patience and longsuffering are essential qualities that will help you in dealing with these teachers. Do not ignore their teachings, and squabbles. Deal with their arguments and objections to the truth.

We must be prepared and constantly ready to deal with false teaching. The main purpose when answering false teachers is the salvation of their souls. Never forget that. They must acknowledge the falsehood of their doctrines, and the truthfulness of the gospel. They must recognize they are fighting against the Lord. Will you help lead them out of their error?

July 2024 | GROW magazine

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