Instrumental Music in Church History
WORSHIP ARTICLE | William Stewart | Kingston, Ontario

We have in previous articles looked at instrumental music in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, and specifically in the book of Revelation. In Revelation, we found instances of the instrumental music to deal with the heavenly realm and not with the worship of the Lord’s church upon the earth. In the Old Testament, we discovered musical instruments were commanded and used in worship in Israel, but acknowledged this was not authority for us, since we are noted that none of the occurrences of instrumental music therein address worship. Rather, every example or command with regard to our worship in song calls for vocal music, not instrumental.
Now, we turn our attention to uninspired writings. In doing so, we acknowledge such things are not authoritative, but quotes about the attitudes and practices throughout history serve to reveal the role or lack thereof which instrumental music has had among believers. Primarily we will focus on two specific groups of religious writers. First, those who came within the next few centuries after the time of the apostles, and second, those who were present in the days of the protestant reformation and shortly thereafter.
Instrumental music was used in the time of David (1 Chronicles 15:16, 28), in Solomon’s temple (2 Chronicles 5:11-14), and in the temple after the return from the Babylonian captivity (Ezra 3:10). Musical instruments were certainly available in the first century and beyond (Matthew 9:23; 11:17; Luke 7:32; 15:25; 1 Corinthians 13:1; 14:7-8). Despite their availability, quotes from the early centuries indicate Christians did not use instrumental music in worship.
Clement of Alexandria (approx. 150-216 AD)
The Lord fashioned man a beautiful, breathing instrument, after His own image and assuredly He Himself is an all-harmonious instrument of God, melodious and holy, the wisdom that is above this world, the heavenly Word … and on this many-voiced instruments of the universe He makes music to God, and sings to the human instrument. ‘For thou art my harp and my pipe and my temple.’
Leave the pipe to the shepherd, the flute to the men who are in fear of gods and intent on their idol worshipping. Such musical instruments must be excluded from our wineless feasts, for they are more suited for beasts and for the class of men that is least capable of reason than for men.
Tertullian of Carthage (155-230 AD)
What trumpet of God is now heard – unless it is in the entertainment of the heretics?
Novatian of Trinitate (died 258 AD)
Why should I speak of strings set vibrating to noise? Even if these things were not dedicated to idols, they should not be approached and gazed upon by faithful Christians.
Eusebius of Caesarea (275-330 AD)
We render our hymn with a living psalterion and a living cithara with spiritual sings. The unison of voices of Christians would be more acceptable to God than any musical instrument. Accordingly in all the churches of God, united in soul and attitude, with one mind and in agreement of faith and piety we send up a unison melody in the words of the Psalms.
Niceta of Remesian (335-414 AD)
Only the corporal institutions have been rejected, like circumcision, the Sabbath, sacrifices, discriminations of foods. So, too, the trumpets, harps, cymbals, and timbrels. For the sound of these we now have a better substitute in the music from the mouths of men.
John Chrysostom (347-407 AD)
David formerly sang songs, also today we sing hymns. He had a lyre with lifeless strings, the church has a lyre with living strings. Our tongues are the strings of the lyre with a different tone indeed but much more in accordance with piety.
Aurelius Augustine (354-430 AD)
…musical instruments were not used. The pipe, tabret, and harp here associate so intimately with the sensual heathen cults, as well as with the wild revelries and shameless performances of the degenerate theater and circus, it is easy to understand the prejudices against their use in the worship.
Theodoret of Cyrhus (393-457 AD)
It is not simple singing that belongs to the childish state, but singing with lifeless instruments, with dancing, with clappers. Hence the use of such instruments and the other that belong to the childish state is excluded from the singing in the churches, and simple singing is left.
It would be great to follow-up these second through fifth century quotes with more from the Dark Ages. Unfortunately, all I have come across is a single statement from the 1200s. However, there are a host of quotes from the reformation age which verify the ongoing comprehension that instrumental music violates God’s instruction in the New Testament.
Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 AD)
But the Church (Roman Catholic) does not make use of musical instruments, such as harps and psalteries, in the divine praises, for fear of seeming to imitate the Jews. Therefore in like manner neither should song be use in the divine praises.
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
The organ in the worship is an insignia of Baal.
John Calvin (1509-1564)
Musical instruments in celebrating the praises of God would be no more suitable than the burning of incense, the lighting of lamps and the restoration of other shadows of the Law. The Papists therefore have foolishly borrowed this as well as many other things from the Jews. Men who are fond of outright pomp may delight in the noise, but the simplicity which God commands to us by the apostles is far more pleasing to Him.
Joseph Bingham (1668-1723)
Music in churches is as ancient as the apostles, but instrumental music is not so.
John Wesley (1703-1791)
I have no objection to the organs in our chapels, as long as they are neither seen nor heard.
Adam Clarke (1762-1832)
Away with such portentous baubles from the worship of that infinite Spirit who requires His followers to worship Him in spirit and truth, for to no such worship are these instruments friendly.
Adam Clarke (1762-1832)
I am an old man, and an old minister; and I here declare that I never knew them productive of any good in the worship of God; and have had reason to believe that they were productive of much evil. Music, as a science, I esteem and admire; but instruments of music in the house of God, I abominate and abhor. This is the abuse of music; and here I register my protest against all such corruptions in the worship of the Author of Christianity.
Presbyterian Board of Publication, Philadelphia, PA (1842)
Question 6. Is there any authority for instrumental music in the worship of God under the present dispensation? Answer. Not the least, only the singing of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs was appointed by the apostles; not a syllable is said in the New Testament in favor of instrumental music nor was it ever introduced into the Church until after the eighth century, after the Catholics had corrupted the simplicity of the gospel by their carnal inventions. It was not allowed in the Synagogues, the parish churches of the Jews, but was confined to the Temple service and was abolished with the rites of that dispensation.
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
The great congregation which is blessed with the privilege of listening to His instruction has no organ ‘to assist; them in singing their praises to their God and Savior. They find their vocal organs sufficient. Their tongues and voices express the gratitude of their hearts … I would just as soon pray to God with machinery as to sing to God with machinery.
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
Israel was at school, and used childish things to help her to learn; but in these days when Jesus gives us spiritual food, one can make melody without strings and pipes… We do not need them. That would hinder rather than help our praise. Sing unto him. This is the sweetest and best music. No instrument is like the human voice.
None of these quotes are authoritative, but they do stand as consistent testimony from history that instrumental music was not used from the days of the early church through the time of the reformation churches. Many today believe that instrumental music has always been used in the churches, and they look with curiosity and contempt at those who oppose their use. Musical instruments in worship are an innovation, a relatively new practice, and certainly not from the apostolic age. May we not add to God’s will or way, but simply be faithful servants seeking to “…do all in the name of the Lord.”
Instrumental Music in Worship to God, Wayne Wells.
April 2024 | GROW magazine