Isaiah’s Description of Christ
APPLICATION ARTICLE | Jim Mickells | Lewisburg, Tennessee

via Ben White |
Isaiah the prophet, has been referred to as “The Shakespeare of the prophets,” “The Paul of the Old Testament,” and as “The Messianic Prophet.” Within the sixty-six chapters of the book he penned by inspiration, there are a great number of prophecies concerning our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The book of Isaiah has been called the miniature Bible. “The first 39 chapters, like the 39 books of the Old Testament, are filled with judgment upon immoral and idolatrous men. The final 27 chapters, like the 27 books of the New Testament, declare a message of hope” (Taken from Barnes’ Bible Charts, Interesting Facts About Isaiah). Notice with me one of the prophecies stated by this great man as he describes our Lord.“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace“ (Isaiah 9:6).
The prophet was so sure of God’s ability and willingness to fulfill this prophecy, he speaks as if this Child had already been born and this Son had already been given. The Son spoken of is the same One he mentioned in 7:14 whose name is Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 1:22-23). This Child of whom he speaks, whose government would be upon His shoulder, is King Jesus ruling over His kingdom of which there is no end (Luke 1:32-33). Isaiah gives us at least four names by which our Lord is identified – Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.
Wonderful Counselor – Some translations have a comma between these two words, which indicate two separate thoughts. Yet several others do not, which would imply one thought. When the two words are connected together, one is truly amazed at the advice or counsel which we can receive from our Lord. The way we receive guidance from Him is through His word. Peter said, “You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Are you in need of salvation? He has the answer. Want to know how to have a happy marriage? Turn to the Bible. Need help raising godly children? He tells us how. Do you need help to overcome some temptation? Instruction is given. Are we worshipping properly? The New Testament supplies the answers. Instead of searching for answers in the writings of men, why not go to our Wonderful Counselor and let Him give us the answers we so desperately need?
Mighty God – This tells us of the deity of Christ. In the gospel of Matthew when speaking about Jesus (Matthew 1:21), as he quotes Isaiah 7:14, he tells us the virgin would give birth to a son whose name was Immanuel, meaning God with us (Matthew 1:23). John, as he describes to us the Christ, calls Him the Word who was not only with God the Father in the beginning but was also God (John 1:1). The apostle Paul speaking of the power which Jesus has as the Mighty God to create all things in heaven and on earth, and by Him they also consist (Colossians 1:16-17). Not only was He God but He was also Man, robed in flesh. While walking this earth as a Man He demonstrated His deity by restoring sight to the blind, healing those with crippling diseases, casting out demons, calming the raging seas, raising the dead, and forgiving sins, etc.. While in the flesh and facing the same kind of temptations which you and I face daily, He resisted and was without sin. For this reason, He is able to sympathize with our weaknesses, knowing the difficulties we face, and is willing to provide aid, grace and mercy to those who boldly come to His throne for help (Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:15-16). What a Mighty God we have as our Savior!
Everlasting Father – This obviously speaks of His eternal nature. Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End … who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:8). As a Father He provides for us and protects us. The word “Father” is defined as “a benefactor or guardian. The Messiah is called the Everlasting Father, Isaiah 9:6” (Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies, p. 159). He certainly promises to provide our material needs when we seek Him first (Matthew 6:33). Yet the greatest provisions which He supplies for us are our spiritual blessings. He willingly died on the cross so His children could be saved. His word was given to comfort, guide, inspire, and to give hope as we face life each day. Our Everlasting Father is always there for us and will never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-8).
Prince of Peace – He is the ruler or the captain through whom we can experience peace. The word “peace” is defined as “to be whole, complete; to be at peace, in friendship with anyone” (Wilson’s Old Testament Word Studies, p. 305). We need peace with Jehovah because of our sins. Those iniquities have separated us from Him making us His enemies (Isaiah 59:1-2; Romans 5:10). Yet Jesus through His death has made it possible for us to be at peace with our Heavenly Father (Ephesians 2:13-14). There is such a beautiful thought expressed in the word shalom (peace). Through what the Christ has done for us we can have tranquility of soul, knowing we have been divinely loved, divinely forgiven, and are assured of our eternal salvation if we are faithful to our Prince of Peace. I can pillow my head at night knowing if I never rise to see tomorrow that all is well with my soul because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God the Father who gave Isaiah the words so he could describe to us our Savior and Redeemer. He is a Wonderful Counselor, a Mighty God, an Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. Go to Him for counsel, trust in His power, look to Him for provisions and protection, and seek Him for the peace which is offered for the souls of all men.
19.07.02 | GROW magazine