03 Apr

Joining The Disciples

William Stewart | Odessa, Ontario

via Gerd Altmann | Pixabay.com

At the beginning of Acts 9, Saul of Tarsus left Jerusalem, headed for Damascus. His aim was to arrest any Christians he found there (Acts 9:1-2). On the way, he met the Lord. Having arrived in Damascus, he was taught the gospel and baptized by Ananias (Acts 9:17-18). Immediately, he began to associate and work with the Christians in Damascus (Acts 9:19-22). However, a plot against his life (Acts 9:23-25) made it necessary for Saul to leave Damascus.

He returned to Jerusalem and tried to join the disciples there (Acts 9:26). Understandably, they wanted nothing to do with him. He claimed to be a faithful Christian, but they did not believe him. The last time they had seen or heard of him, he was persecuting God’s people. It seems Barnabas had knowledge of Saul’s conversion and work among the disciples in Damascus since he took him to the apostles (Acts 9:27). To do so without evidence of Saul’s faithfulness would be unwise and potentially devastating for the church since he was a known enemy of the faith (Acts 8:3; 9:1). After hearing about Saul’s conversion and preaching, the church at Jerusalem received him into fellowship (Acts 9:28).

Luke didn’t write this as a neat tidbit about the apostle Paul’s life. This text is one of a handful on congregational membership. Let’s notice what the Bible reveals about becoming a member of a local church.

  1. Being a member of a local church is important. If it were not, Paul wouldn’t have sought to join the disciples. The benefit of fellowship is in the local church. God-designed spiritual leadership is in the local congregation. The go-it-alone Christian is a foreign concept to the Bible.
  2. Membership with the local church is assumed for the one who has just been baptized. There is nothing about Paul or any other individual who had just been baptized making a request for membership or being examined by the church leaders prior to being received into fellowship. By obedience to the gospel (which includes the repentance of sins and confession of faith, Acts 2:38; 1 Timothy 6:12; etc.), they are accepted into fellowship. Acts 2:41 simply says they were added to them. The only time this may not be the case is if an individual were baptized while traveling and has no intention of remaining in the locale where they were baptized. In such a case, new converts ought to find a group of faithful disciples to join after returning home. A good example of this is Onesimus, who was baptized by Paul in Rome. Paul felt it necessary for this runaway slave to return to his master (Philemon 1:10-17), who was from Colosse. In his letter to the Colossians, Paul referred to Onesimus as “one of your number” (Colossians 4:9, NASB). Presumably, he was accepted as a member in the church at Colosse.
  3. It is right for those in leadership to seek proof of the faithfulness of any who desire membership in the local church. It was after they heard details of Paul’s conversion and work in Damascus that he was received in fellowship. We want to be sure those who seek membership in the local church have actually obeyed the gospel. Further, we want to know they are faithful to God. In the New Testament, we read of a practice where people who went from one place to another might have a letter of commendation (2 Corinthians 3:1; Acts 18:27; cf. 1 Corinthians 16:3; Romans 16:1-2). Such a practice is never commanded or deemed mandatory, but there is certainly value to a recommendation from brethren for the one who is seeking to be received as a member, and a benefit for the leadership of the congregation who they are seeking to join.
  4. If an individual comes our way, seeking to be a member of the local church, it is right to find out if there is sin present for which they have been withdrawn from by another congregation (1 Corinthians 5:1-5; Romans 16:17; 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14). All such sins would need to be remedied and repented of before they could be received into fellowship with the local church.
  5. Likewise, before receiving someone as a member, we want to know what they believe or teach. Paul commanded the Christians to be of the same mind and the same judgment (1 Corinthians 1:10). To that end, John said we must test the spirits to see whether they are of God or not (1 John 4:1). Again, John warned the church of those who go beyond the doctrine of Christ and said not to receive them (2 John 1:9-10). If there are differences on matters of opinion, it is neither here nor there. However, there should be agreement on matters of faith if we are going to have fellowship and work with one another.
  6. There is a distinction to be made between attending a church and being a member of a church. Unless we have closed assemblies, anyone may attend a meeting of the church. That does not make them a member. Non-Christians may assemble with us – they are not members. Christians who are traveling may assemble with us – they are not members. It is even possible that a Christian might assemble with a local church for a lengthy time and still not have been received into membership for one reason or another (see points #4 & 5 above).

Paul went to Jerusalem, seeking to join the disciples. After his faith and works were known, he was received as a member. He was then described as being “with them at Jerusalem, coming in and going out” (Acts 9:28).

It is important for each Christian to be a member of a local church. God’s plan is for us to share fellowship with people of like precious faith and for local churches to work together in the cause of Christ. It is equally important for local churches to be careful in receiving members to know they are not receiving wolves in sheepskins, or those who have been withdrawn from due to sin elsewhere.

18.04.03 | GROW magazine