Put On The Whole Armor Of God
APPLICATION ARTICLE | Jim Mickells | Lewisburg, Tennessee

In Ephesians 6:10-20, we find the instructions given by the apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus for them to put on the whole armor of God. What a great section of Scripture for us to consider especially with a mind to how it applies to us. It is not enough to just know what these verses say but we need to apply the things revealed here to our lives so we can be strong and faithful in services to our Lord. Through the years I have seen many fall prey to the devices of Satan, being overcome in sin and rendered useless in the kingdom of God. If only they would have clothed themselves with this armor, the results would have been totally different.
Armor of God. The Lord supplies the armor for us to clothe ourselves with. In this text the apostle speaks of the gospel (v. 15), salvation which is our hope (v. 17), the word of God (v. 17), and prayer offered up before His throne (v. 18). He does not leave us alone to fight a battle with such a formidable foe but gives us what is needed to be victorious. Likewise, He promises to never leave nor forsake us when fighting our battles in life (Hebrews 13:5-6).
Put on. Each individual is responsible for putting on the armor. No one can put it on for us, it is our duty. The phrase “put on” is defined as, “To put on as a garment, to cause to get into a garment, to clothe, dress; in the pass., to be clothed; in the mid., to clothe oneself. Spoken of armor” (The Complete Word Study Dictionary – New Testament, p. 587). It takes time and effort to clothe oneself with this armor. If we are not careful other things will consume our time and the opportunities to study the word of God and pray as we should are diminished (Luke 8:14). We are not to just put on some of the armor but all of it. By so doing we can be a people of honesty, integrity, righteousness, strong faith, filled with hope, always praying, able to stand strong and firm in the face of such opposition.
Wiles of the devil. Peter describes Satan as an adversary and a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). The apostle warns in this text of his wiles. “Wiles” is defined as, “to follow craftily, frame devices, deceive” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 395). Notice some of the words used by other translations instead of wiles – schemes (NASB & ESV); tricks (NCB, ETRV, TEV, & CEV); strategies (GW, ISV, NLT2); tactics (HCSB & NAB); and deceits (BIBE). Paul spoke of his “devices” in 2 Corinthians 2:11, which means “especially for evil plans and purposes as here” (Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament). And this same apostle warned of the snares of the devil in 1 Timothy 3:7 & 2 Timothy 2:26, defined as “the allurements to sin by which the devil holds one bound” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 472). This should make us fully aware of what Satan will do in an effort to turn us away from our God to a world of sin.
The armor. Let me just give you a brief definition of the words used in describing this armor.
Girted your waist with truth – “(subjectively) truth as a personal excellence; that candor of mind which is free from affectation, pretence, simulation, falsehood, deceit: sincerity of mind and integrity of character, or a mode of life in harmony with divine truth” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 26).
Breastplate of righteousness – “integrity, virtue, purity of life, uprightness, correctness in thinking, feeling, and acting” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 149).
Shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace – “By metonymy, the gospel work, i.e., the preaching of the gospel, labor in the gospel” (The Complete Word Study Dictionary – New Testament, p. 669). The word “gospel” is the glad tidings or the good news of salvation offered through Christ.
Shield of faith – “in the N.T. of a conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervor born of faith and conjoined with it” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 512). One’s subjective faith which comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17).
Helmet of salvation – “simply, equivalent to the hope of (future) salvation” (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 612).
Sword of the Spirit – word of God – “The sword given by the Spirit to be wielded as offensive weapon (the others defensive) by the Christian is the word of God” (Robertson Word Pictures in the New Testament). Thayer says of the word “sword” – “the sword with which the Spirit subdues the impulses to sin and proves its own power and efficacy (which sword is said to be ρημα Θεου (word of God – JRM)” (Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 393).
Praying, prayer & supplication – “On every occasion.” Prayer is needed in this fight. The panoply of God is necessary, but so is prayer” (Robertson Word Pictures in the New Testament.
If we fail to stand, withstand, and persevere our life will be a failure (vv. 11, 13, 18). Satan will have defeated us, and we will lose the only thing of value we possess, our souls. Yet if we will trust our Lord, put on the whole armor provided us, continue to press forward, and keep our focused upon the goal set before us, then heaven can be our home. Remember the warning sounded by Paul, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).
July 2022 | GROW magazine