03 Jan

Dare to Be a Daniel : An Old Testament Character Study

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Colton McDaniel | Springfield, Illinois

When I was asked to write this, I had not even considered my last name is closely connected to Daniel’s name. It hardly ever occurs to me that I share a name with this godly example. I do not know why. Perhaps when I think of the book of Daniel, I think of the back half of it and immediately wonder what else I could teach on instead. I have often neglected the practical examples contained in the front half. This ought not to be. As difficult as the visions may be, the life of Daniel is too thrilling to ignore.

He was living in captivity among the godless. Kings ordered him to disobey God, and they threw him in a den of lions. He was placed in positions of authority among his captors. Daniel sees it all and yet still maintains integrity. Daniel is the child of God each of us is called to be. He certainly did not expect all that took place, but he faced it all with courage. Read More

01 Jan

When Singing Is At Its Best

WORSHIP ARTICLE B. Colton McDaniel | Springfield, Illinois

“I love to sing.” This phrase was a warmup in my high school choir, but it is also the way I really feel about singing. My earliest memories are of singing Doo-wop songs. Yet as much as I loved performing with choirs growing up and no matter how fulfilling it was to earn good ratings at state competitions, no music is as pleasing as singing praises with the people of God. This is how God designed it. He created music to be naturally enjoyable to the human ear. But on top of that, He prescribed a combination of that naturally enjoyable activity with words of edification and praise to create psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Read More

03 Apr

Not Without Aim | Making Evangelistic Goals

B. Colton McDaniel | Springfield, Illinois

We know we ought to be evangelistic, do we not? We also know how to go about saving souls. I have confidence in my brethren that they are both able and willing to go out and work. I often hear them speak of the importance and necessity of evangelism with passion. It is that yearning that led you to read this evangelism section in the first place. The trouble is making the determination to “Go.”  For whatever reason, be it fear or uncertainty, we can lack the drive to just get up and get to work. This is where goals come into play. Read More