17 Apr

The Sustainability and Repeatability of Western Evangelism

EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Chadwick Brewer | South Chesterfield, Virginia

Robert Koorenny | Pixabay

It was a hot and sunny Tuesday morning when we climbed into the back of the bakkie (pickup truck) to finish our trip to Chikuku. My traveling companion and I had been traveling since Sunday afternoon to get to this rural village in Zimbabwe, and we were excited to meet brethren that we had never met before. We had a day of lectures arranged for Chikuku and four days of lectures planned for Mashindi. While we had been to South Africa several times, and we were traveling with our good friends from South Africa, this was our first time in Zim, and we were looking forward to the work. Read More

08 Oct

Fellowship and Brotherly Love in the Early Jerusalem Church : Congregational Profile

CHURCH ARTICLE | Chadwick Brewer | Richmond, Virginia


When, in our modern vernacular, we use the term fellowship, we often talk about doing activities with others who share our faith and the ability to get along with one another. Our modern term for fellowship is usually based on shared interests, commonalities, and a personal like of those you have fellowship with. However, this is not how this term is used in the New Testament. Read More

06 Jul

The Divine Nature : 2 Peter 1:3-7

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Chadwick Brewer | Richmond, Virginia

via Ulleo | Pixabay.com

Peter’s preamble is poignant and powerful. Everything that follows is predicated on God’s divine power granting us all thing that pertain to life and godliness (v. 3). It is God who moves first to establish a relationship with man. It is not man that starts to build that relationship. In fact, man cannot. Read More

02 Jul

Feasting on God’s Word

WORSHIP/DEVOTIONAL ARTICLE | Chadwick Brewer | Williamsburg, Virginia

via StartupStockPhotos | Pixabay.com

The word of God is a gut hook. It’s as sharp as a two-edged sword that cuts us to the heart. It’s a brightly lit mirror that brings our repulsive marred souls into sharp relief. It’s a light that shines into our darkness, exposing us for who we really are.

It is wondrously beautiful, deeply insightful, surprisingly simple, and profoundly complex. It makes a wise man look simple and the simple man wise. It is enlightening and more desirable than gold. His word is perfect and altogether righteous. Read More

03 Jul

Six Common Hesitations to Personal Evangelism

Chad Brewer | Williamsburg, Virginia

via Robert Koorenny | Pixabay

When the topic of personal evangelism comes up, people are invariably excited, but often they are excited for others’ work or zeal.

We are often rather hesitant to get out there, put in the effort, put ourselves on the line, and possibly get rejected. The hesitations and complaints that you often hear are often very similar, and not at all new to our generation. If you were to go back to Exodus 3 and 4, you will see that they are very similar to the hesitations and complaints that Moses had, when God told him to “go.” Oddly enough, those objections raised by Moses were not sufficient for him to skive off work, and they are not good enough for us either. Read More