28 Jan

Psalm 145 – The Mighty Works, Goodness, and Kingdom of God

WORSHIP ARTICLE | Jeremy Woodman | Kingston, Ontario

The Book of Psalms concludes with a series of psalms that praise the Lord. Some of our most popular hymns, such as “Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah”, based on Psalm 148, are directly from this section of scripture. Although there are commonalities between these psalms, each also have a unique focus on various attributes, actions, or characteristics of God that are worthy of praise. For example, in Psalm 145, David focuses on the mighty works of God, the goodness of God, and the kingdom of God. Read More

30 Oct

The Lord’s Will Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Jeremy Woodman | Kingston, Ontario

via Lisa Moore | Pixabay.com

“He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
(Micah 6:8, NKJV)

The preceding quote from the prophet Micah is one of the most elegant quotes in the entire Bible. Like the prophet himself, it directs and delivers plain truth to a generation that had entangled themselves with sin and complicated their lives with ritualistic religion. The lessons apply to our generation as well as his.

To fully appreciate Micah’s statement, we have to look at it in its historical context. Read More

02 Oct

The Christian & Social Media

BEYOND THE BASICS Jeremy Woodman | Kingston, Ontario

via Azam Kamolov | Pixabay.com

When Christ gave the Great Commission he defined the scope of the commission as “all the world” and the message as “the gospel,” but He left the mode of communication up to the apostles. In the first century, communication was through the spoken and written word.  The range of oral communication was limited and if the message didn’t produce change, it lasted no longer than the audience’s memory. Writing could reach more people and its contents lasted longer but making and distributing copies was labour intensive.

Come forward to the 20th century and the telephone, radio, and television revolutionized communications, helping to disseminate the gospel in new ways to new audiences.  In recent decades the rise of the internet, higher rates of personal computer ownership, and the development of social media have revolutionized communications again. Because of social media, we can communicate cheaply and quickly with almost anyone around the world. We can create content for others to access at their convenience.  These are blessings the apostles did not have and are tools we can use to fulfill the Great Commission. Read More

01 Jan

On Psalms, Hymns And Spiritual Songs

Jeremy Woodman | Kingston, Ontario

via Wolfgang Heubeck | Pixabay.com

There are few things in this world as precious as the sound of saints singing together in the assembly. In worship, it occupies a unique place. It is an expression of our emotions without the extreme of emotionalism. Singing is a form of teaching without the use of words alone. It combines elements of emotion and instruction to the praise and glory of God. We encounter the Song of Moses in Exodus, after the Hebrews were released from Egyptian bondage. The book of Revelation is filled with scenes of the heavenly hosts and saints in heaven singing. Emphasis on singing praise to God appears in the Bible from beginning to end, so we ought to carefully consider what God’s word has to say on this subject. Read More