Psalm 95 – Wonderful Encouragement to Worship The Great God of Heaven with Heart-felt Reverence
WORSHIP ARTICLE | John Hains | Smithville, Ontario

Verse 1 – “Oh come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.”
From our Psalm 95 text, this 1st verse invites and encourages us to come together to worship the Lord in song! Our worship to the magnificent God of heaven is something He deserves – with all of our hearts – and to the highest degree! Our hearts ought to be filled with songs of praise – and adoration – because He is great and greatly to be praised! (Psalm 96:4). The Lord is so generous and expressive to us in love, mercy, grace, and kindness that we can’t keep quiet – as our hearts overflow with songs of praise!
Have you ever noticed how many other passages in the psalms teach the same thing? So, you’ll be blessed to take the time to look up a large number of them with your concordance and a notebook. Those passages will encourage you to fill your heart with praises in song as part of your day, every day! Because – He is so worthy!