15 Oct

Love One Another

BEYOND THE BASICS  Kyle Boyd | Wichita, Kansas


via Ben White | Unsplash.com


At the time of me penning this article it has been one year and two months since the tragic loss of someone whom I loved dearly, Sean Cavender. He was someone who loved others dearly but most importantly exemplified the love of Christ to the world. When thinking of a word to describe Sean, love is the first word that comes to mind and love is what this article is about. Sean was a Bible preacher and few topics are talked about more in the Bible than love. Few are also the number of people that come to mind that manifest this love for people as much as Sean did. People were Sean’s hobby. Read More

03 Jan

Jesus In The Book of Matthew

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Kyle Boyd | Wichita, Kansas

via Aaron Burden | Unsplash.com

None of the Gospel writers make a case for Christ quite like Matthew. His attention to detail and methodical writing style results in a book filled with all the evidence one needs to be sure that Jesus IS the long-awaited Messiah as prophesied centuries before. Written to a Jewish audience, Matthew carefully lays out his case leaving the reader with no doubt that Jesus IS the Christ and that He IS Lord and King. Let’s briefly examine three points Matthew uses to show beyond doubt that God’s Anointed One has come. Read More