20 Jul

The Hall of Faith: Faith Waits On God

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Marshall McDaniel | Athens, Alabama

Do we trust God, even when He asks us to wait? Scripture repeatedly issues the command to wait on the Lord and often associates it with divine blessing. The Bible affirms that believers who wait on God will experience His goodness, joy, salvation, and strength (Lamentations 3:15; Psalm 27:13-14; Isaiah 25:9; 40:31). Hebrews 11 mentions several notable people – Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, and the Israelites – who waited for God and received His gracious gifts. In this study, we will consider the perseverance of moses, Joshua, and Israel. Their examples show us thhatt waiting on the Lord always yields the best results. Read More

05 Jul

Psalm 136 – Give Thanks To The Lord

WORSHIP ARTICLE | Marshall McDaniel | Athens, Alabama

Ingratitude is a symptom of idolatry. Those who reject the Lord do not give thanks: “For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened” (Romans 1:21, NASB; see 2 Timothy 3:2). It is sad when people fail to acknowledge the divine source of their blessings! Yet, the people of God know better (or at least, they should). They have experienced the goodness of God and hopefully respond with grace. The short admonition at the end of Colossians 3:15 says it all: “be thankful.” So, what instills within us a sense of authentic gratitude and motivates us to express our thanks to God? An ancient Hebrew song supplies the answer. Read More

01 Oct


WORSHIP/DEVOTIONAL ARTICLE | Marshall McDaniel | Wentzville, Missouri

via ktmd photography | Unsplash.com

Fasting is an uncommon activity in our modern, Western culture. People tend to associate it with cultic and Eastern religions, ancient mysticism, medieval monasticism, or non-traditional health management. Obviously, there are misconceptions about fasting. Yet the Bible portrays fasting as an acceptable and spiritually beneficial practice. Biblical fasting is often linked with prayer. In this study, we will survey the nature and application of fasting in the Bible and its relevance today. Read More

04 Jul

Why Should We Worship?

Marshall McDaniel | Wentzville, Missouri

via Pexels | Pixabay.com

Why should we worship God? That is a good question, not to be dismissed quickly or ignored. Billions around the world worship some deity, while others do not. Among atheists there is a growing number who question the rationale and sanity of God-worshipers: “What kind of self-serving, egotistical God,” they ask, “would demand people to grovel at His feet?” Such an understanding of God and of worship demonstrates an ignorance of the true God and worship. Worship is an appropriate, humbling-but-not-humiliating response to the nature and character of God Himself.

So, why should we worship God? Read More