10 Oct

The Hall of Faith: Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Jesus, and Us

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE | Shane Carrington | Sulphur Springs, Texas


The story of Israel is the story of Jesus. God’s plan for bringing Christ to the world was earnestly set in motion from the time God promised Abraham that his descendants would become a great nation. God told him,

“Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 12:1-3).

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03 Jan

Why Premillennialism Misses the Mark

BEYOND THE BASICS | Shane Carrington | Sulfer Springs, Texas

Premillennialism stands as one of the most popular doctrines of religion in modern times, joining the ranks of “Trust Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior to be saved,” “Join the church of your choice,” and “Once saved always saved.” That’s just how popular it is.

Cultural phenomena such as the “Left Behind” series of books (published 1995-2007) and movies (produced 2000-2014), Hal Lindsay’s “The Late, Great Planet Earth” (published in 1970), and televangelists like John Hagee, David Jeremiah, etc. drive this movement today. Additionally, the doctrine is written into many study Bibles, including J. N. Darby’s study notes, the Ryrie Study Bible, the Schofield Study Bible, the John MacArthur Study Bible, etc. Read More

30 Oct

The Church as the Body of Christ

CHURCH ARTICLE | Shane Carrington | Sulfer Springs, Texas

via ulrichw | Pixabay.com

My body used to be a well-oiled machine. I could run for miles, play full-court basketball with men half my age every week, and grasp and hold almost anything with my hands. Then I turned 50. My well-oiled machine has become somewhat rusty and creaky. This maturing body sometimes hurts and disappoints, but such is the nature of aging.

The body of Christ, on the other hand, grows stronger, more vibrant, and better equipped for the will of God regardless of how long we live in this world. This makes the “body of Christ” one of the powerful metaphors for the people connected to Jesus by faith. Read More

01 Jan

Living Stones

EXPOSITORY ARTICLE Shane Carrington | Sulfer Springs, Texas

via Jeon Sang-O | Pixabay.com

“We are New Testament Christians, so we do not need to study the Old Testament.”

Perhaps we have heard someone make this claim. Then we actually read our New Testaments and discover the many Old Testament references – examples, quotations, prophecies, wisdom statements, allusions, etc. – revealing our need to study the Old to receive full enlightenment regarding the New. Read More

03 Oct

Walking in the Steps of Faithful Abraham

APPLICATION ARTICLE – Shane Carrington | Sulphur Springs, Texas

via Ruth Lindsay | Pixabay.com

The richness and depth of Romans 4 takes us through the sweeping ages from Abraham’s faith to our own. As we encounter the patriarch we learn more about the portrait faith God intends our lives to reflect. Consider some practical teaching God wants us to produce in daily life. Read More