17 Apr

Becoming Like Jesus: Forgiveness and Christ

APPLICATION ARTICLE | Tim McPherson | Marion, Indiana

Treharris | Pixabay

Jesus’ words:
Jesus words from the cross in Luke 23:34, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do” cry out the mission and heart of our Savior. Barnes commentary stated that this was a fulfillment of Isaiah 53:12 in that, “He made intercession for the transgressors.” I love that expression “He made intercession.” In other words, Christ was offering forgiveness through his intercession. I want the same spirit as my Lord and Savior. Can I intercede in offering forgiveness like my Savior? I am not perfect like Christ, but I can be of His likeness in that I want to offer forgiveness to all. I want others to be forgiven. I don’t believe it is just a coincidence or inadvertent that Christ’s disciple, the first Christian martyr, Stephen, uttered these exact words when the crowd gnashed at him with their teeth and were stoning him. Act 7:60 (NKJV) Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lord, do not charge them with this sin.’ And when he had said this, he fell asleep.” Instead of anger or a heart that would seek their wrath, he offered forgiveness. Read More

08 Oct

Psalm 61 – A Prayer : Returning to God’s Shelter

WORSHIP ARTICLE | Tim McPherson | Bountiful, Utah

Psalm 61 is a prayer we all need to pray. When do we say we need God the most? We need God in times of despair, in times of great sorrow or trouble, when we are possibly feeling distant or separated from God. Yes, many times in life we feel helpless. Who can we turn to? I turn to God. We so desperately express our need for a greater strength beyond mortal wisdom or human counsel. We look longingly for that time of Almighty God’s care. The enemy is trying to tug us away from God. Although the enemy seems to have pulled us away and we may feel in despair, we truly can draw nearer to God. Read More

06 Apr

The Power of Godly Living

EVANGELISM ARTICLE | Tim McPherson | Bountiful, Utah

via ColiN00B | Pixabay.com

I stand amazed at the power of Almighty God: His creative power, His ruling power, His authoritative power, His sustaining power, and His strengthening power. Power, power, power! The word “power” is mentioned over 200 times in the Bible and is mainly attributed to God but is also associated with His blessings to us. The word for power in Greek is “dunamis” (doo-na-mis) meaning FORCE or power. Can you see where we get our present word dynamite? Think of the force and might of an all-powerful God. This article is focused on the power of godly living, or should we say, “the dynamite of godly living”?  We will see that a godly life is refreshing, renewing, regenerating, and explosive. Its transforming power is amazing, and not just to us. We could say that “God living in us” must be a powerful life, and dominant enough to influence others toward salvation.  We acknowledge the forceful impact it has upon the world for redemption. Read More

07 Apr

Preparing For Worship

WORSHIP/DEVOTIONAL ARTICLE | Tim McPherson | Bountiful, Utah

via ulrichw | Pixabay.com

Exodus 16:5: “And it shall be on the sixth day that they shall prepare what they bring in, and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.”

To sustain a practical life, we prepare. Can you imagine the chaos without preparation? Think about your morning routine. What if you did not set your alarm clock, wash your clothes, or did not brush your teeth? What if you did not bathe/shower? What if you hadn’t gone to the grocery store for days? Think of the problems you would have in your morning routine if you had not prepared. You would wake up late, have dirty and wrinkled clothes, foul breath, dirty teeth, body odor, bed-tossed hair, and have no breakfast. Yes, living without chaos involves planning, arranging, and designing every day. We think beforehand and purpose for what is ahead of us. Read More